190001-01-CL Method 5035 High Level Clear Vial, 10 mL P/T MeOH, Tared, cs of 72 40 mL VOA Vial, Clear Glass $174.67 190002-10 Method 5035 Low Level Vial, 5 ml of Org. Free DI Water with Stirbar, Tared, cs of 72 40 ml VOA Vial, Amber Glass $216.37
190001-01-CL Method 5035 High Level Clear Vial, 10 mL P/T MeOH, Tared, cs of 72 40 mL VOA Vial, Clear Glass $174.67 190002-10 Method 5035 Low Level Vial, 5 ml of Org. Free DI Water with Stirbar, Tared, cs of 72 40 ml VOA Vial, Amber Glass $216.37
1. 40ml Ultra clean EPA VOA vial are suitable to all TOC instruments, including Sievers, Shimadzu, OI Analytical, and Teledyne-Tekmar. 2. Ultra low TOC< 10ppb. 3. Purge&Trap, GC-MS certified. 4. Teflon lined caps and protective dust covers. 5. Superior vial-to-vial consistency. 3. Company Profile
These forms of. 40ml voa vial come in different shapes, colors, materials, and designs to serve unique needs and applications in the lab. Manufacturers use innovative designs and materials that prevent them from reacting with the chemicals they hold. Their designs include features for safety to avoid accidental spills.
EPA-VOA VIALS 94 Aijiren H-P , Vials 151102 and 151109 have a beveled top and standard bottom. Vials 151114 ... ULTRA CLEAN SEPTA
EPA / VOA Vials. SciSpec. VOA Vials are made of laboratory quality borosilicate glass as recommended by the EPA. The open top caps are made from a glass reinforced polypropylene resin, and the septa is made from Virgin Teflon® and FDA grade silicone. The Precleaned (2000 class) and QA Analyzed (3000 class) vials are washed.
VOA Vials - Clear Screw Thread, Cleaned for Volatiles. Clear VOA Vials or borosilicate glass vials KaptClean® for Volatiles are designed for EPA volatile organic analysis (VOA). Volatiles are chemicals that have high vapor pressures at room temperature (easily evaporate). They can include benzene, chloroform, toluene and carbon tetrachloride.
EPA VOA Vials The 40 mL vials are offered in clear and amber borosilicate glass. Sizes: 27.5 x 95mm and are packaged 00 vials per box. EPA vial caps Both injection-type and solid storage caps are available for these vials. EPA vials are 24mm screw top and suitable caps are sold separately. EPA caps are pre-assembled with a variety of septa, to
Aijiren premium certified vials, closures, high recovery vials, and vial inserts offer industry-leading performance; from the lowest bleed septum materials in our caps to the most inert glass vial materials, we are continuously refining our offerings by addressing small details delivering productivity gains.
These 40ml Aijiren quality vials also enhance workplace hazards as the machines have an overhead protective gear to safeguard the operator. Robotic precision and speed of these 40ml Aijiren quality vials coupled with their sealing capability guarantee faster execution of tasks that would have dragged under human-labor.
Aijiren Technologies, Inc. 2850 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19808-1610 USA (E-mail: phil_wylie@Aijiren.com) Abstract The analysis of volatile organic compounds in water is normally accomplished by purge-and-trap/gas chro-matography/mass spectrometry. U.S. EPA Method 8260B with purge and trap sample introduction is widely used
Aijiren Bond Elut Ion Multi Mode Silica SPE. For over 30 years, Bond Elut has been the most trusted name in solid phase extraction. Years of use by demanding chemists at top companies worldwide have thoroughly documented its many applications and proven its performance.
40ML EPA / TOC Vials. EPA vials are rigorously sized for the analysis of functional organics (VOAs) and are suitable for most manufacturers' analyzers, including GE Sievers, Tekmar, Aijiren, ThermoAijiren Tech and etc. Choose an Option GS001187-40mL 27.5x95mm Clear Glass EPA/TOC Vial 24-400 Screw Thread.
EPA VOA TOC COD Vials. 15-425 Screw Sample Storage Vial 15-425 Thread Caps with Septa 40ml TOC Vial 16mm COD Digestion Test Tube EPA VOA Vials 24-400 Screw Neck PP Caps with Septa 8-12mL 15-425 Screw Neck Vial ND15 20-60mL 24-400 Screw Neck Storage Vial ND24 10-15mL 16mm Test Tube for Water Analysis. Reagent Bottle.
Ultra-Clean/ EPA Quality vial kit We offer a range of certified Ultra-Clean/ EPA Screw Vial Convenience Kits that is widely applicable environmental analysis test, pesticide residue, pharmaceutical manufacturing, forensic test, MOSH/MOAH analysis, etc.
Ultra Clean EPA VOA Vials 40mL 27.5x95mm Clear Glass EPA/TOC Vial 24-400 White Open Top PP Screw Cap with 22mm Natural PTFE/White Silicone 3.0mm thick Septa (EPA Quality). 100pcs/pk. Send Inquiry Chat Now