Finneran 13mm Mini-Tip Syringe Filters provide extremely low dead volume of less than 10ul, and are available in 0.2um and 0.45um pore sizes. Autoclavable.
Improving HPLC column life by as much as 46 times through accurate pore size ratings, pages 14-17. • Minimizing the occurrence of extractables for less
difficult samples with less hand pressure. GD/X Syringe Filters can process three to seven times more sample vol- ume than unprotected membranes.
Features: Very low nonspecific binding and hold-up volume minimizes loss of small samples during filtration. Millex®-LCR filters for HPLC. Millex-LCR filters
Choose Aijiren Captiva Premium Syringe filters for greater filtration speed and recovery than other filters of the same size. We understand the demands on
HPLC Certified. Pall Life Sciences certifies Acrodisc PSF syringe filters with PTFE, nylon, PVDF, and. GHP membrane to be low in UV absorbing extractables.
Pall life ScienceS SamPle and Solvent filtration ProductS For sample volumes less than 10 mL, choose a 13 mm diameter Acrodisc filter.
Filtration Volume : <1ml for 4mm, 1-10ml for 13mm & 10-100ml for 25mm & 30-150 ml for to seven times more sample volume than standard syringe filters.
All analytical sample prep Acrodisc syringe filters and their packaging have color-coded printing with membrane type and pore size on each filter: •GHP.