Polypropylene Chemical Compatibility Chart This Polypropylene Chemical Compatibility Chart is a shorthand tool for describing the suitability of miniature fluidic and pneumatic polypropylene components for contact with various chemicals. Use this chart to help guide your component selection.
All-purpose, universal hydrophilic polypropylene membrane with maximum chemical compatibility when filtering both aqueous solutions and aggressive solvents. Low protein binding of GH Polypro membrane provides high recovery of critical proteinaceous samples. HPLC certified to assure that the filter will not add artifacts to your analysis.
The information in this chart has been supplied to Cole-Parmer by other reputable sources and is to be used ONLY as a guide in selecting equipment for appropriate chemical compatibility. Before permanent installation, test the equipment with the chemicals and under the specific conditions of your application. Ratings of chemical behavior listed
PVDF (Kynar®) Chemical Compatibility Chart ver 06-Feb-2018 Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C) A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
Chemical Compatibility Chart. This chemical resistance chart is intended for use as a guide, not as a guarantee of chemical compatibility. Variations in temperature, concentrations, durations of exposure and other factors may affect the performance of the product. It is recommended to test under your own conditions.
PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) Chemical Compatibility Chart: Check the chemical compatibility of Polyvinyl chloride / PVC with various chemicals, solvents, alcohols and other products. Shop PVC Please Note: The information in this chart has been supplied by reputable sources and is to be used ONLY as a guide in selecting equipment for appropriate
Membranes Designed for the StringentRequirements of Mobile Phase Filtration. Membranes are identical in composition and quality to those used in Pall’s HPLC-certified Acrodisc ® syringe filters. HPLC certification assures that the filters will not add artifacts to your analysis. GH Polypro membrane is the best choice for filtering mobile phases.
Acrodisc® Syringe Filter with wwPTFE membrane & wwPTFE Membrane Disc Filters, Pall. The “universal” membrane filter for all of your analytical filtration requirements. Avoid the expense and inconvenience of keeping a variety of filters on hand. Versatile filter for aqueous and aggressive organic solvent-based solutions.
Millipore ® polypropylene membranes and net filters feature both solvent-compatibility and thermal stability. Constructed from pristine polypropylene material, these filters are ideally suited for general solution clarification and prefiltration applications, including bioburden reduction.
ver 31-Aug-2021 . Chemical Compatibility Chart . ISM. Ratings -- Chemical Effect . C = Fair -- Moderate Effect, not recommended swelling may occur. --ISM, Industrial Specialties Manufacturing logo.
First, soak the membrane in a 50% alcohol solution for at least 15min (ethanol, methanol, or IPA would be acceptable). Next, install the membrane in the test cell and operate the cell with purified deionized water as though you were pre-conditioning the membrane.
Jul 02, 2013 · COMPATIBILITY CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY Chemicial Compatibility Guide The following information is intended to be used as a general guideline for pump material selection. The information accuracy of these ratings cannot be guaranteed, nor is it a complete list due to the extensive area of this field. Materials used in the
Choose a filter or membrane based on: 1) Chemical compatibility of the membrane and housing with your sample matrix. 2) Size and amount of particulates in the sample. 3) Potential interactions (binding) between the membrane and sample components. 4) Special considerations such as requirement for prefilter or inorganic ion certification.
GH Polypro (GHP) Membrane Disc Filters All purpose, universal membrane with maximum chemical compatibility for both aqueous solutions and aggressive solvents Specifications Filter Media Hydrophilic polypropylene Pore Size 0.2 and 0.45 µm Typical Thickness 0.2 µm: 101 µm (4.0 mils) 0.45 µm: 114 µm (4.5 mils) Typical Water Flow Rate mL/min/cm 2 at 0.7 bar
Solvent filtration membranes Description Qty. Diameter Pore Size Part No. PVDF Filter 100/pkg 47 mm 0.45 µm WAT200530 Nylon Filter 100/pkg 47 mm 0.45 µm WAT200532 PTFE Filter 100/pkg 47 mm 0.45 µm WAT200534 100/pkg 13 mm 0.45 µm WAT200536 GH PolyPro® Filter 100/pkg 47 mm 0.45 µm WAT200537 Supor (PES) Filter 100/pkg 47 mm 0.45 µm WAT200538