2022/9/13 · 用途. 空气过滤. 型号. 4554T. PALL的GHP材质,可用于水和腐蚀性有机溶剂的溶液,过滤酸,碱,醇等等,几乎所有的溶液,所有有过滤膜之称。. 它使用AUtoPackTM包装方便使用,具有Caliper自动化认证,与多种自动化工作站兼容。. 它的低蛋白结合膜保证低蛋白质样品
我们一次次与客户的并肩作战,为我们赢得认可,并重新定义了“伙伴”的含义。. 1946年创立至今,我们始终坚持着这份执着。. 如今,Pall颇尔成为了过滤、分离和纯化的代名词,技术与应用随处可见,影响着生活的方方面面。. 从济世救人的基因治疗,到翱翔
Pall Filter GXF/GHP 0.45UM PK10 186000154P . Pall Laboratory Combining excellent quality with an affordable price, the Pall Filter GXF/GHP 0.45UM PK10 186000154P / 87003-889 can meet your scientific research needs while still offering a good value for
Pall, GHP膜Acrodisc针头过滤器和GHP圆盘过滤膜片, 4554, 4556, AP-4305, 66557, 66548. .AutoPack 包装的 Pall AcrodiscPSF针头 式过滤器与Caliper Prelude * 、TPWll, Multi 一Dose * 系统及Sofax * 溶液系统的自动化进样工作站兼容。. .AUtopack™包装方便使用,具有calipe ** 自动化认证
The 25 mm Acrodisc is recommended for sample volumes from 5 to 100 mL. The 13 mm size is recommended for samples under 10 mL in volume. The 4 mm size is for samples under 2 mL. PP housing with Luer fittings. GHP - hydrophilic PP membrane suitable for both aqueous and organic samples. GXF - multi-layered glass fiber prefilter.
Pall’s 96-well filter plates are available with various media and membranes that can be used across a range of laboratory life science and analytical applications. For multiplexing applications the combination of the AcroPrep plate’s smooth well wall design and the Supor® (polyethersulfone) membrane, with its highly consistent surface morphology, provides
美国颇尔PALL过滤膜滤器,1.美国pall颇尔过滤器PALL GHP万能针头滤器4563 美国pall颇尔过滤器PALL GHP针头过滤器 4567 过滤介质:亲水型聚丙烯外壳:聚丙烯 玻纤预滤层:硼硅玻璃 标准死体积:13mm:<14ul; 25mm:<100ul;25mm
Allegro XRS 25 Bioreactor System - pall.com Integrated sampling port Ease of use – very low hold up volume (less than 5 mL), capable of sampling without stopping agitation Single-use
25mm ghp acrodisc for sale-Analytical Testing Vials Review (mpn: AP-4559-T for sale) AP-4559-T Pack Pall Ghp 0.45 Syringe AP- 4559T Membrane 25mm ACRODISC Filter 4559T 50. 45 m
详细介绍. PALL GHP膜Acrodisc针头过滤器和圆盘过滤膜片. 特点:. PALL*的GHP材质,可用于水和腐蚀性有机溶剂的溶液,过滤酸,碱,醇等等,几乎所有的溶液,所有有 *过滤膜 之称。. 它使用AUtoPack TM 包装方便使用,具有 Caliper自动化认证, 与多种自动化工作站兼容
Manufacturer: Pall 4562 This item has a minimum order quantity of 2 per supplier requirements. Acrodisc Syringe Filters With GHP Membrane, 25 mm 4562 0.45 μm 1000/pkg Acrodisc PSF syringe filters are Zymark* and SOTAX* Automation Certified to ensure smooth operation and worry-free performance 24 hours a day in automated workstations.
Pall 4558 Acrodisc Syringe Filters with GHP Membrane, Pore LabZhang 24pcs Syringe Filter,Syringe Lab Filters,Hydrophilic Nylon Membrane 25mm Diameter 0.22um Pore Size,Non Sterile Filtration,Green(nylon-25mm 0.22um) 4.3 out of 5 stars 52 1 offer from $12.99
GH Polypro (GHP) Membrane Disc Filters - shop.pall.com Filters aqueous solutions or aggressive chemicals. Low protein binding membrane gives high recovery of critical proteinaceous samples. HPLC certified. Provides assurance that the filter will not add artifacts
2019/11/1 · ODGHPC35. Nanosep MF Centrifugal Devices with GHP Membrane - 0.45 µm, clear (500/pkg) ODPTFE04C35. Nanosep MF Centrifugal Devices, 0.45 µm, wwPTFE membrane
PALL 96孔过滤板. 公司主营产品::滤纸, 生物试剂,标准品,滤膜,滤器,实验室耗材等系列产品,现货供应,物美价廉。. 欢迎客户“PALL 96孔过滤板“详细说明书。. 此条目由 上海金畔生物科技有限公司 发表在 爱思进axygen 分类目录,并贴了 micro 、 滤膜 、 自然色