Features: Very low nonspecific binding and hold-up volume minimizes loss of small samples during filtration. Millex®-LCR filters for HPLC. Millex-LCR filters
13 mm Acrodisc MS syringe filters are designed for low volume samples and low LCMS extractables. Method. Procedure for obtaining minimal hold-up volumes when
polyethersulfone membrane exhibits very low drug and protein adsorption. Polypropylene housing. 0.8cm2 filtration area. \<10ml sample volume. \<10ul hold-up
1 mL and can make filtration of samples smaller than 2 mL very difficult, 13 mm Acrodisc® MS syringe filter (PN MS-3301) designed for low volume samples ...
Finneran 13mm Mini-Tip Syringe Filters provide extremely low dead volume of less than 10ul, and are available in 0.2um and 0.45um pore sizes. Autoclavable.
All analytical sample prep Acrodisc syringe filters and their packaging have color-coded printing with membrane type and pore size on each filter: •GHP.
Filtration of aqueous solutions. Filtration where low protein binding is desired. For cell cryopreservation, use DMSO-safe Acrodisc syringe filters.
Acrodisc, Minispike Syringe Filter, GHP, 13 mm, 0.45 µm, Aqueous, 100/pk filtration for analytical samples and is HPLC certified, ensuring low ...
HPLC AND CHROM SAMPLE PREP. Solid Oral Dosage Sample Filtration Application Selector*. Membranes. GH Polypro (GHP) membrane disc filters.