Pall Gelman Syringe Filters - Syringe Filters - Filters - D-F . 12-4610 Syringe Filters - GHP Acrodisc® and GHP Acrosdisc® GF, 12-4641 Syringe Filters - Sterile, Serum, Acrodisc® with Supor® Membrane, Pall Gelman . pall-4566 ghp acrodisc 25mm .2 pk-1000 - Pall Acrodisc . Buy pall-4566 ghp acrodisc 25mm .2 pk-1000 - Pall Acrodisc Syringe Filters
Sterile Syringe Filters, PVDF, 0.2um, WITH Sterile Plastic Biomed Scientific Syringe Filters PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) 25 mm Diameter 0.22 um Pore Size Non Sterile Pack of 10 pcs 55 $8.99 $ 8 . 99 ($0.90/Item) 10 Pack Syringe Filter Sterile PES Hydrophilic Filtration 0.22um Pore Size, 33mm Membrane Diameter Sterile PES Membrane
This item: 4562 - GHP Membrane - Acrodisc Syringe Filters, 25mm, Pall Laboratory - Pack of 1,000 $2,223.51 ($222.35/100 Items) Usually ships within 6 to 10 days. Acrodisc® syringe filters membrane (GXF/GHP), diam. 25 mm
The 13 mm size is recommended for samples under 10 mL in volume. The 4 mm size is for samples under 2 mL. PP housing with Luer fittings. GHP - hydrophilic PP membrane suitable for both aqueous and organic samples; GXF - multi-layered glass fiber prefilter; Nylon - general-purpose filter, not for acids and halogenated solvents
Pall 13 mm Acrodisc syringe filters are available with a standard male slip luer outlet or Pall’s proprietary minispike outlet. The minispike allows for easy handling with a HPLC vial, and offers a reduced hold-up volume, ensuring maximum filtrate recovery. Typical hold-up volumes: 13 mm, male slip luer outlet: < 30 μm.
Combining top-notch and uncompromising quality with an affordable price, the Pall Acrodisc Syringe Filters, Glass Fiber, Pall Life Sciences GHP/Glass Fiber Membrane Filter 4558/ 28143-263 can fulfill your laboratory needs while still offering a great value for the money.
Ideal for filtering samples and HPLC mobile phases. Polypropylene housing. The 13mm fiklter has a female Luer lock inlet and a minispike outlet while the 25mm filter has a female Luer lock inlet and a male slip Luer outlet. The GHP Acrodisc® GF syringe filter version includes a glass fiber prefilter layer for hard-to-filter samples.
13mm Acrodisc syringe filter with minispike configuration offers low hold up and easy filtration into autosampler vials Acrodisc® Premium Syringe Filters The Acrodisc Premium Syringe Filters are ideal for automated sampling or sample clarification with a larger EFA than typical 25mm devices.
Acrodisc, Minispike Syringe Filter, GHP, 13 mm, 0.45 µm, Aqueous, 1000/case, Polypropylene, < 10 mL Sample Volume, < 14 µL Hold up Volume
Supplier: Pall Laboratory. Description: The new Acrodisc® One and Acrodisc® PSF premium syringe filters combine the benefits of a multi-layered prefiltration device with an automation-certif ,76308-668PK,76308-670PK,76308-662PK,76308-674PK,76308-676PK,76308-666PK,76308-672PK. This product is no longer available.
Review (mpn: 4560T for sale) 4560T Syringe Filters PALL Acrodisc Ghp 25mm 0.45 Um 50 Ct Sealed. Protects columns and instrumentation from particulate buildup better than other filters. 13mm acrodisc syringe filter with mini-spike configuration offers low hold-up and easy filtration into auto-sampler vials. Accurate analysis.
Pall Acrodisc Syringe Filters, 13mm, Pall Life Sciences 4422 Ptfe Membrane, Pack of 100 ON SALE 4422-CS, 4422-PK. Pall Laboratory Filters, Filters, Syringe filters. +1-800-504-7309 Contact Check Order Status
Sterile syringe filters are available in a variety of membrane choices and a polypropylene overmold housing; Available in 13 mm and 25 mm diameters; Sterilization treatment must be carried out before packaging. 100% integrity test, and Individually packaged. 0.45μm Pore Size Membrane is usually used for pretreatment to reduce the microbial
The Acrodisc® syringe filter featuring a 0.2 µm PTFE membrane, prevents air bubble locks when filling sample vials. Purchase online - syringe filters with a filtration area of 1.0 cm², hold-up volume less than 14 µL and a 13 mm minispike outlet.
Pall 4567 Acrodisc Syringe Filters with GH Polypro Membrane, Pore Size 0.2 µm, Diameter 13 mm, Pack of 1000 $1,722.32 ( $172.23 /100 Items) Automation Certified to ensure smooth operation and worry-free performance 24 hours a day in automated workstations.